Maybe this is not the best way to begin an
essay, but being politically correct is,
reached this point, nonsense. The truth is the truth, yes, but sometimes
it is a polihedron with multiple faces not always as beautiful or ugly as we
may think.
The reprehensible shooting of the satirical
newspaper Charlie Hebdo’s headquarters has been a truly jab into the heart of
the most recognizable nation of freedom in old Europe, but no more than a sharp
pain into the chest of a body little accustomed to severe injuries.
Again, opinions could be misunderstood, but
statistics never lie. In the 11th September 2001 terrorist attacks on The
Pentagon, The World Trade Center and other places in North America three
thousand people died there. The 11th March 2004 bombs in the Madrid
train system cost a toll of almost 200 lives. In Paris 12 people passed away
and four more are critical or seriously ill. The magnitude goes in decreasing
Now think about the tsunami of 2004 which drowned
230.000 second-class inhabitants, or the earthquake in Haiti where a hundred
thousand natives –maybe more– stopped breathing in the name of poverty. And
what about the innocents being killed every day in the African and Asian war
conflicts? The figures are so big that it is risky not only to be born there,
but also to state an approximate toll number.
The Western World has mobilized with the
execrable crime of the satirical magazine, but we have been watching the Islamic State killing people day
in, day out and nobody has ever cared about it. It seems that freedom of
expresion is more important than third world’s lives.
When these horrible things happen, one can less
than reflect critically on them. A teacher or mother brought her
pupils/children to Charlie Hebdo house to show them that the artists had been
killed for drawing. Well, I won’t say that is false, but I’m afraid this is a
huge simplification of the facts.
Shooting somebody because they have shown an
image of your undepicted God or prophet seems a bit overfanatic, I admit, but
there is much more over the layer than it seems. I mean, we exert economic
legal assassination. The developed nations have long helped poor countries to
die of inner starvation. This has nothing to do with religion. It’s pure
survival. And we first world citizens have forgotten about them long ago. We
don’t push triggers. Not in the literal sense. We don’t need to. A good pack of
measures and restrictions, greedy politics and interventionism have made the
work for us (did I want to say “us” or “U.S.”? I’m not pretty sure).
Isn’t it cruel, insensitive, a total aberration
to celebrate our Christmas traditions and compulsive consumerism habits while
we turn our backs to those in need of basic help? Perhaps we deserve this kind
of suicidal torments, maybe we are much more guilty than we think. Where did
autocriticism go long ago? Oh, yes, we don’t need it. It’s all about maniacal
followers of Allah and their Holy War. They are the baddies and we, pure saints
that unfortunately passed by over there in the worst moment.
I think we are totally mistaken. And still we
consider ourselves the paradigm of liberty, egalitarism and fraternity. The
Islamic State may deserve a good nuclear bomb under their pants, but we didn’t
care a damn until they touched our isolated happiness and remembered us that
people are dying violently out there while we suffer depressions because there
isn’t much more to undergo when all our basic necessities are covered. If bums
are perishing of coldness, bad luck. But my family a new iphone each.