By extension, we tend to include here all kind
of groups susceptible of suffering any sort of abuse, either concious or
unconciously. I am talking not only about disabled, but also children, the
poor, the young, foreigners, especially from Third World countries, women, the
elderly and so on.
I absolutely agree and support the need to
protect people in severe risk of exclusion in any situation, but to reach a
real even level. The problem is... what if the undertaken measures become so
powerful and convincing that instead of securing equality of rights they
provide the underpriviledged with more than the rest?
Theorizing is easy and not very down-to-earth.
Let’s try to present some clarifying examples. Think of criminals. Here in
Spain they’ve got a chance to rehabilitate. If they show cooperative skills and
collaboration, they are offered a assembly-line kind of post, inside the
prison. Inmates are not paid much –no more than 400 euros– but taking into
account that they don’t pay for the “accommodation”or the “meals, and that
there are around 6 million unemployed out there all over the country, maybe
their reinsertion is a luxury we can’t afford.
Official posts are another field of great controversy.
Exams to get a permanent job are hard, especially because the rate of
applicants per post is considerably high. In these cases, some vacants are
reserved for people with a certain physical disability. This is all very nice,
but a lame person has mucho more chances to become a civil servant than the
average guy.
Preserving park spaces for reduced-mobility people is one thing,
and offering them access to a post with over-exaggerated assets in proportion
to the rest of mortals is a very different one.

We must tend to equality of rights and
opportunities, not to over-award those with less possibilities, because at the
end becoming a handicapped –if the disability is not very accused– seems better
than having nothing to declare and benefit from. Solidarity sometimes turns
into counter-abusing from the part of the weak. Be aware of that, and try not
to be harm by the rules.