For this reason it was not surprising that
Tonto, the loyal and supporting native American who finds a more dead-than-alive
John Reid and save his life as the ranger had previously preserved his
–according to the 80’s film, from which this movie is clearly a sort of
remake–, from the very beginning overlaps and overshadows the title character
who, by the way, is much duller and softer.
But we were highly warned. A production coming
from Disney couldn’t be prone to the free exaltation of violence or the
unreasoned revenge of the reflexive distric attorney, reconverted for the
occasion in The Lone Ranger, the only survivor of a massacre of lawmen by the
ruthless Butch Cavendish. Instead of highlighting the heroic abilities of the
outlawed ranger, the studio prefers not to take the film very seriously, and
gives Depp carte blanche to repeat all the tics and eccentricities of Jack
Sparrow, including a pervading inofensive insanity, a relaxed sense of absurd
humour and neverending remarks for every rough situation. Armie Hammer does his
best as the ranger, and he’s not bad on his role, but audience and script are
on Johnny’s side.

Nevertheless, the movie has good points, as
well. Action scenes are devilishly fun, especially those that occur around the
trains, the plot is rarely consistent but works and the general feeling that
remains after the final credits is one of high optimism and faith in mankind. Once
more, Rossini’s William Tell Overture fills the critical stills with adventure
and nostalgic heroism.
Finally, the film doesn’t forget to pay a
straightforward homage to some of the great themes, directors and movies of the
genre: John Ford, the railroad, Anthony Mann, the confrontation of indians vs
colonists, the all-American noble cowboy, as opposed to the crepuscular
spaghetti antihero... even to Lucky Luke through the weird occurrencies of
Silver, the white horse, which resembles clearly to Jolly Jumper at his best.
Another scene is directly inherited from Once Upon a Time in the West, when
silence fills the air and something is going to happen while the character is
drinking from the well and startled birds flutter around.
The film deserves to be watched, but without
too many pretentions. Just to have a good time and remember the old good times
of westerns. To expect something else from this product would be an
unforgivable error and an exercise of avoidable disappointment. Next try leave
Disney and Depp at home and harden the tone. Maybe it flops the same but at
least it will have cost much less bucks.